Next week, October 31st, Margy Knight will be coming in to talk with the students. This is when the entire student body and staff will have a introduction to the mural and its purpose. This will be very exciting and the kick off for the Winthrop Middle School Talking Wall.
I believe this will be quite an interesting project. I think we will
both have fun and learn about art, and murals around the world.
-Alex T.
Anonymous, at 9:31 AM
I think any kind of Art is someone's way out. something that takes them away from the flaws of average day life, and sends them to a dream world. For me Music is my outlet
-Alex T.
Anonymous, at 9:52 AM
I think that the wall was a great opperitity for kids to express there fellings about things. I liked that we could just paint our fellings it was so much fun. I loved it.
Anonymous, at 10:16 AM
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